Sunday, June 23, 2013

indonesia art festival: all's fair in love and war

mom and sister flew to singapore last week, and we had lots of great time together. i brought sister to a musical drama in esplanade, organized by indonesian student association in singapore. it was awesome considering to set up a drama about indonesian medieval era, performed by students in the one of most known world's stage. i myself was hoping to be involved, even the tiniest little thing, into that project.

the storyline is quite classic, however majestic and rich in cultural essence. it was based on true story in indonesia medieval era, but with a little twist and romanticised in certain aspects. there were 7 main casts, the directors set in such way so each has their own dilemma which allows each of them to be protagonist in one perspective, and antagonist in the others.  two thumbs up.

the story plot, as i mentioned before, is a classic. there were 2 kingdoms: the big kingdom, and small kingdom. there was war minister from big kingdom want to invade small kingdom, as he made an oath to unite all kingdoms under the big kingdom's name. however big kingdom's king disagree to do so, since it was the same land as their ancestors coming from. the small kingdom has a beautiful princess. however, this beautiful princess had a commoner boyfriend, which by whom the big kingdom's king knew her existence and decides to marry her. princess's commoner boyfriend kept his distance from her, since he knew they are going to be separated by fate. a princess and a commoner? impossible to be together.

princess was so sad, and her mother tried to ask her to understand the situation by mentioning that she was in same situation long time ago. she was placed in a situation where she had to choose between love for a man or love for her kingdom. if the princess refuses the proposal, apparently there is no choice but war. the princess finally understand and agreed to marry big kingdom's king.

the small kingdom arranged a visit to big kingdom, and to held the wedding reception. the big kingdom's king  also ask his war minister to escort them until reach big kingdom safe and sound.

unknowingly, big kingdom's queen dowager has an affair with the war minister. she disagrees with the marriage proposal as with the marriage between big and small kingdoms, all of the king's decision would be greatly affected by the princess. therefore, queen dowager's has less power to gain control from the king.  queen dowager then ask war minister to insult the small kingdom, by saying the princess was just merely a "gift" from small kingdom to big kingdom, as a symbol that small kingdom surrender to big kingdom.

the war minister did as requested, and it led to a war which is later known as "Perang Bubat" (literal translation: "War of Bubat"). small kingdom's king and queen died, as well as the princess.

big kingdom's king was sad, as his bride is now dead. his sadness become anger, he blames his war minister for not doing his job properly. he asked war minister to resign at the very moment.

later on he explained to his ex-war minister that war is not the only way to unite all kingdoms in indonesia. there are other methods as well, through love, tolerance, and understanding. he wraps the stage by saying this to his ex-war minister: "this is not the end. this... is just the beginning for us to grow and take care our own kingdom".

they painted indonesia map on esplanade's theatre stage, and begins the play on it. the story goes and the quality does match for a world stage performance. to wrap up the event, they sang a song "Di Panggung Dunia" which means "At The World's Stage", this is the ost and the main theme for IAF 2013. like the lyrics says: "membawa Nusantara ke panggung dunia" (literal translation: "bringing Indonesia to the world stage"), they have done a remarkable job and they do brought indonesia to the world.

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