Friday, September 25, 2015

because we were strangers

"are you still in touch with our school friends?"

"which one? binus or modernland?"

"both, i guess."

"only few of them including you, actually."

"don't you feel curious about how are they now, what they do for living, and stuffs like that?"

"yeah, i do. but i don't know how to start."

"just text them, say hi, and ask them to go out for a meal. it would be awkward initially, but as time goes by it will be better. it's quite surprising when they told me what they do now. one of our classmate who was grounded during class become a model, another friend was engaged to a "beautiful lady" from thailand. some of them was on heli ride to go places, and few months later disappear to nowhere. it amazes me how a friend of us strive for a living and to pay his school fee when his dad's business went bankrupt, and i feel sorry for those who threw the standards away and living down the wheel. everyone has a story, and by sitting down with them and spare your time to listen what they have gone through, it might help you to understand life better."


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