Saturday, October 27, 2012

Routine resumed

It's been a while folks, away from blogging routine. Things has been awesome lately, and research stated that happy person is less likely to blog. So, am i?

Here i am, blogging from phone, as you may notice i'm using capital letter for the beginning in every sentences. Currently i'm in a room with cousin who is watching cinta cenat cenut 3, sister reading her book and me, blogging with my phone.

Graduation ceremony is coming up in less than a month, and yes, i'm really looking up for it. It reminds me when i graduated from binus, we had some rehearsals and practice a song for parents abd teacher. The title was "do i make you proud". I didn't recall the full lyrics, but the title described everthing.

Dear parents, do i make you proud? In the commencement later on, you will find your daughter wearing that academic dress (which also cost you for hundreds of $$$), awarded with a degree, and will take a step forward towards her future path.
Dear dad, do i make you proud? You always asked me to improve my behavior and attitude, as you know i'm lacking in those aspects. You asked me to learn how to behave properly in public setting, as i will join the public as an individual. I was the one among your children who had received your teaching directly, in those nights when you reached home after work. You asked me to set a higher standard when you saw my lower standard goal in physics, saying i should not be afraid for it.
Dear mom, do i make you proud? You always remind me to pray, and believe in miracles. You have taught me to believe that there is something else beyond knowledge and skills, beyond titles and qualifications, beyond everything which are visible to us. You told me that i can't stand completely on my own feet, even with my all maximum abilities, cos there is a greater power above us. You explained how much i need God in this life, and how beauty it is walking together with Him in His ways. You have taught me ways beyond the impossible, and how to turned it into lots of possibilities.

That upcoming moment, my dearly parents, you will see me on that stage, taking the first step where i would not be seen as a little girl, but as an adult. I will be joining the public as a citizen, representing the values and teachings of my parents, and live with it strongly. Dear parents, you will experience "that moment" soon with your very own eyes, and well, when you see me on that stage, please answer this question honestly:

Do i make you proud?


Even though i'll be seen as an adult out there, please do the opposite. I always want to be seen as the "little princess" in your eyes.

With lots of love,

Your princess.


Don't know how this post turned to be a letter, but i plan to write this and give it the moment i leave home. I'm going to wrap this nicely, and i bet they are going to burst in tears while reading this.

And i hope they won't mistaken this as a garbage, and throw this away before they read it.

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