Tuesday, August 20, 2013

sweet escape

took two weeks break away from hectic mumbo jumbo and office stuffs, went back to see beloved and had a fun family trip! well, apparently this was planned quite long, i mean to have a family trip before little sister goes china for her uni. she took 4 years program, and parents thought it would be troublesome to arrange family trip when 2 of their children were overseas. we had different schedules, public holidays, and yeah... we come up with australia on our mind. not to mentioned they changed it several times from taiwan, korea, thailand, and elsewhere.

this probably the most hectic trip i've ever had. i had 8 flights in 10 days, which made me think i should grab a frequent flyer program from at least 2 different airlines. i'm sick of bacon and eggs for breakfast, definitely no more black mushrooms, toasted bread, or other western - european kind of breakfast. this time round, i didn't get a chance to eat the most favorite indonesian nasi padang in home country. instead, i had it in sydney! ironic.

we went there by tour, so schedules are pretty much fixed. we only get free time about a day or two, so we thought we didn't get the best out of it. fyi, we planned to go there once more, this time round we'll go by ourself. no tour, no morning calls, no hectic flight schedules, and there we gonna enjoy ourself like locals.

the tour program is quite standard, we visited tourist places, went for tourist attractions, snap group pic in national landmark. nothing special to be honest, however there are some of them which kind of out-of-topic experience:

  • a drunk blonde girl went inside our bus, greeted us in french, and talked to us in english plus french before police went down to catch her. she managed to escape anyway. 
  • as this is first time i visited winter country, it feels unique and enjoy it loots! it feels like you have your 24/7 aircon turned on. 
  • we brought lots of cameras with us, so we ended up taking our own pics for the first day, and didn't get a chance to took family pics. since this was meant to be a family trip (before little sister goes china mainland), we made a "deal". once we reached the landmarks, we'll gather together and ask tour guide to snap a pic for us. 
  • near the beach

family pics

not much cars there. no wonder kei said she could see night stars with bare eyes. well, when i mentioned night stars i was referring to thousands of stars which looks like a mini milk way. it's simply breath-taking.

our first snowman
i made my first snowman! we went to mount buller in melbourne, and got into snowball war with siblings. then we sat under a tree, start making our first snowman. jojo came up with his philosophical theory while making his. he said "the happiest children in the world are those who can make snowman". then, our snowman was complete along with the eyes, hands, and nose! 

hello kiddo!
she will become a graceful lady someday

you can see loots of wild birds there. i'm not sure whether we can feed them or not, but we did it anyway. little brother purposely went to mcd and bought some french fries for birdies. i simply took one of it, waive my hands in the air, and... it was gone! enjoyed it very much. :D

french fries traded for good pic
on a street in goldcoast

notice an odd thing in right pic?
my dad wrongly button up his sweater.

one more thing, little sister and i found a new thing to do. every time we found a statue, we tried to imitate them and snap a pic. it started when we went to a cathedral in melbourne, basically nothing to do there. so we got bored and this idea popped out. it's epic if you realized those are the statue of saints, one of them is holding thorn crown, and i'm holding a samsung galaxy note. sent this pic to zjw and he came up with a theory that my pic actually had something in common. long time ago, thorn crown was the thing placed in Jesus's head and hurt Jesus in His crucifixion. meanwhile in the present moment, technology is one among many factors which drifted us apart from God. 

new hobby
on one night when we were in hotel watching tv, mommy spotted my tiger cartoon wear and asking about that. so i asked her to wait a while for my "transformation" and... tadaaaa!!

daddy with stitch and tiger
it was a fun trip! i feel refreshed and the first thing popped to my mind is not about work nor office stuffs, but to plan the next trip. setting my next goal:  i should visit at least 1 different country every year.

at least i should read a page a year

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