Monday, September 9, 2013

classy classics

welcome to september, the month where all great performances commence (or has commenced) and the month where i spent most of my cash to.

i was browsing on my phone when a chatbox popped up from facebook. it was biga, my junior in violin class. few years ago, we were in the same music class (he took piano, violin, and music theory, i took violin, and music theory), play in the same orchestra, and sometimes keep on chatting with music teacher instead of doing our music assignments, then we got scolded together! good old times indeed~ 
anyway, we took different path in our musical journey. i went to singapore to pursue degree. even though i brought my violin and flute with me, i stopped play classics. or to be exact, i barely touch them any more. my skills dropped down to the core, and yeah, now i'm just a simple amateur. 

he joined twilight youth orchestra, he keep on pursuing classics and keep on enhancing his skills. he got promoted from 2nd violin to 1st violin, in which i believe has much more decorative tunes. long time we didn't contact each other and voila! HE IS IN ASIAN YOUTH ORCHESTRA AND ON ASEAN TOUR!
surprised? i am. 
oh yeah, he will go to germany and take music degree next year. do you notice now how our distinct our musical path is?

so he told me he will performs in esplanade theatre, and invites me to see his performance. of course i would!
considering our long lost contact, i wonder how is his skills now compared to the time when he was my junior. more over, he told me that he is one out of two indonesian representative in the whole orchestra! 
with indonesian rep in AYO

we didn't have much time to chit chat, so i'm looking forward to see him someday. 

went for phantom of the opera with cell group members. basically, this is the most expensive musical drama that i ever bought. i used to go to those university level kind of musical drama so i do have some kind of higher expectation for phantom. 
phantom of the opera with the royals

my expectation didn't fail me. the props were awesome: the chandelier, the secret tunnel scene, the masquerade scene, the phantom's chamber, everything was great! at first when i saw the theatre, i'm curious how they will deliver the secret tunnel scene (where phantom took christine to his chamber, and the main theme song played), as the theatre has been filled up with loots of props. how they will present the watery long tunnels, how the phantom will control the vessel, how will a mysterious cave will be presented? well, my doubts were nothing. they have done well. 

very well. 

and here goes the most recent one: the piano guys concert.
first time ever, i went to a concert and not a classic orchestra/ musical drama. 
first time ever, i met a real bunch of people whom i used to thought they live far far away and only knew them from youtube. now they are in front of me, fresh from utah. 
first time ever, i shook hands with the people i admire, who inspired me to keep on trusting classics. 
first time ever, i queue from 11pm to 1am to get their autographs, and pics. 
first time ever, i'm having this piano guys euphoria which would last for at least a week. 

i knew them when i was browsing in youtube for pirates of the caribbean songs, and bumped to jarrod radnich video. then i somehow i clicked on the suggested videos, and the piano guys was there! there are something magical in their music, which made me keep on repeating their videos. 

they were awesome in terms of everything: the videography, skills, concepts, arrangements, interpretations, composition, whatever you can think of! they broke the common public view that piano is an indoor instrument by placing it to the most unthinkable places you can ever know. 

have you seen a guy playing piano on a moving train? 
have you seen a guy playing piano on a desert?
have you seen a guy playing piano on a 1000 feet cliff?
have you seen a guy playing piano upside down?

oh yeah, one more thing. it's a grand piano by the way. 

so i went there with tim, we were in same music class in the middle school. he was the main pianist, and i was quite active in choir before i changed to strings and woodwind. 
so we knew each other for long time since elementary school. 

the story begins when he shared a link about piano guys will hold a performance in singapore, and i shared it on my facebook timeline. then suddenly, facebook chatbox popped out. it was from tim.
i guess you can predict the rest of the story by now.

the concert is only for one day, and for one timing only, so we worried that we would not get our ticket if we don't grab it fast. anyway it only took us 15 minutes to decide. quite hectic that time, considering he was still in munich and i'm in singapore, however after the show ends and after a long long wait, we get a chance to meet our source of inspiration, shake hands, take pic, and get their autographs! we were unable to contain our excitements! we jumped here and there, had big smiles, keep on saying how long we won't was our hands after this, and yeah we nailed the fun that night! :D
dreams come true

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