Sunday, April 20, 2014

put it to the extreme: angelic beauty or loving personality?

"if a genie popped up and offers you two women: one is the most gorgeous girl on earth with rotten personality, the other is the ugliest girl on earth with beautiful personality. which one would you choose?"

was slicing my pork ribs into pieces of goodness when he replied:

"i'd choose the pretty one. i know all this while my answers seem to be fucked up, but i prefer to wake up every morning with pretty girl besides me."

"listen to me carefully and give it a good thoughts. just now, the genie only give you 2 options: gorgeous girl with rotten personality, or ugliest girl with beautiful personality. taking the fact your pretty girl has the most wicked and rotten personality, do you think she will be there besides you every morning? most likely she clubs until dawn and spend the night in any guy's bed. she won't care for your children, your parents, nor you. she won't be there at critical moments when you need her support, and she doesn't bother to cook you favourite meal. on the contrary, the other one would be a loving wife, perfect personality on the inside but you won't stand the way she looks. it is that ugly up to the extent you can't even talk to her without distracting your attention."

long silence.

i took my fries, dipped it in barbecue sauce. 

it seems he gave a good thought about it. then, his voice cracked the complete silence.

"can i forfeit the offer?"

Happy Easter!!
mortality for eternity. rejoice for HE has risen!

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