Monday, November 3, 2014

the next phase

when i graduated, i received this email from CPA Australia. the subject line made me stupefied :

Instagram media fransiscalinx - #university #graduation #cpa #australia #passport yeah, what's next?
the subject matters.

on that time, i knew straight away i need to find job. 
the next thing happened, tonnes of uncertainties popped up:

which job?
in which company?
in which industry?
in which line or department?
do you really want to work in that company?
do you want to work in singapore or back to jakarta?
do you want to study chinese instead and go to china?
do you want to stay in singapore for good?
is this what you really want to do?

as a fresh graduate, i was facing  to the undetermined path. 
unlike what i learned from school, there is no right nor wrong.
you may want to go all the way to the left side, but hey, the world is round! eventually i might end up on the right side anyway. who knows?

and so i chose to get a job, and earn some cash.
i set a goal to save at least the same amount my parents spend for my degree before i decided what should i do next. 

two years passed and now the time has come. 

"Fransisca, you have reached your goal. What's next?"

feeling like deja vu, for having same question in different time frame.

thousands of articles gave you reasons why you should travel on your 20s (and other stuffs like why being single is a great choice, especially for travellers) and i agreed to certain points, though may not all. i'm throwing all the blame to elite daily, thought catalogue, bored panda, and other travelling journals for making me longing for gateway when i'm supposed to rushing for deadlines; but who knows i might be thankful to you all in few years time.

and thus, my next goal would be:

 to see the world. 

currently, my working pass is pending for renewal. 
if it is approved, then it would be great since i can earn some cash for my travelling expenses. 
if it is rejected, then it is okay since i would enter the next phase a year earlier.

as they said there are many ways to rome, and so i would just go with the flow. 

welcoming my next phase

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