Sunday, October 9, 2016

autumnal equinox

hello october, the last quarter for 2016. 
christmas festivities are starting in orchard road (as usual. i don't know why it's always early here in singapore, but it's okay i guess. who doesn't like christmas, anyway?) and where all paid leaves are gone (and taking unpaid leaves seems so tempting), and where every dining deal has octoberfest special menu. 

i don't drink anymore now. reason? it's fattening. 

i stop taking dairy products as well. milk and yogurt are no no, but cheese still okay. 

imagine a world without cheese: it's definitely not earth. 
oh, ice creams are total exemption too. ;)

sherlock season 4 is on the way. the official trailer is out recently, with cumberbatch and bilbo on the screen. pretty much excited about that. 

zjw tendered his resignation letter, and his time starts ticking now. his last day would be end of november, most likely he'll be back for good in january.

one less uni buddy in singapore. 


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