Tuesday, November 28, 2017

drowsy pills

"i think you have anxiety issue."


"you feel your heart's beating faster. in normal situation, we don't even realise our heart's even beating. you said you have stuffs going on your mind and that's why you try to sleep but you can't."


"is it about work?" the doctor asked.

"err... sort of. we just faced some issues yesterday."

"i see."

he looked at my work pass.

"i noticed you work in accounts area."

"yes, it's been five years."

"then you should be familiar with all of these. we faced different issues every day. there are companies out there making errors worth millions of dollars, resolved it, and moved on. some issues are not even resolved, yet life goes on. if a director request for a clean account without any errors, i can say he's insane."

at the end of my doctor visit, i got my (sort like) sleeping pills, a medicine to lower my heart beatings, and life advise.

Image by h a n n a h
it has been raining lately. 

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