Friday, January 26, 2018

keeping the sparks on

being in long distance relationship not always identical with the down side. yes, it is hard to not be physically present, or unable to attend official events together, or adjusting with time differences, but it has good sides too!

as we are living a quarter globe away, we couldn’t always be dependent on each other. i know some people like to do everything together, having a meal, or watch movies, or do house chores, and we couldn’t.

i realised that living separately from your other half makes you more decisive towards “what you really want” and eventually shapes you to be independent as a person. as simple as solo stroll, or going to restaurant alone for a meal. this helps my growth as an individual, and enhance my independence

HOWEVER, i always keep in mind i’m no longer single.
so things like WHAT i'm doing, WHO am i going with, WHEN i’m gonna be home, or WHERE am i going, and HOW am i going to behave. matters.

we always tell each other what our plan of the day would be.
we're all open, no hidden truth. that's what make us trust each other.

am i going with males or females? would it be in group or one on one setting? we always mentioned names, not just “i’m going with my friend.” we want the other half to know the world we are living, who the people we are going out with, what kind of person they are, and so we know the partner better as a person.
the idiom “birds of the same feathers flocks together” comes for a reason, right?

we try to video call on daily basis, and mostly at home. knowing when i’m gonna be home makes him adjust his daily routine to fit mine. when time difference takes place, often times he need to sleep late for our call date.

it’s not limited to “people who we stick with define who we are”, but where you go matters. it shows where is your comfort place, what you like to do, and eventually helps to shape your mindset and who you are as a person.
another reason, i want my partner to be safe.
and knowing his whereabouts helps.

my single life and not (so) single life matters in terms how i behave to my friends.
knowing where are the boundaries between friends and “friends” helps. i always try to mention my boyfriend if i’m going out with male friends, so they would know that i’m off market while being friendly with them. i used to be touchy with guys, a big hug for greeting after a long time was normal. but now, a warm handshake wouldn't hurt.

major reason why i would do all the above: security and peace of mind.
our mind can goes wild, and being insecure in long distance relationship with all personal life problems could be exhausting.
we want our relationship to based on trust.

by the way, we just celebrated our 6 months.

we had our first dinner date.

we do the same groceries shopping.
we cook at the same time while video calling.
we use the same recipe, and cooking the same dish.
once done, we eat dinner together (in two different timezones) while video calling.

we thought it’s going to be romantic.
but ended up to be sadly romantic (with tendency on the ‘sad’ side).

art, couple, and butterfly image
glowing face

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