Sunday, April 22, 2018

the first sunday

it was the first sunday in 2018, as well as bee’s birthday. as usual, i went to church.

i rarely go to sunday service. not only because the sermon fits better to married couple/family in general (sometimes it’s about personal growth too), but i want a day where i can fully rest at home.

i listened to the first sermon in 2018.
sang the first praises and worships in 2018.
lift up my first prayers in 2018.

yet, it feels the same as before.

so i kinda asked myself “this is a new year, but why do it seems the same as prior years? is there anything that would make it different?”

once every year, my church encourage us to take a card contains a bible verse that would be a guiding verse in the year. it’s something like “verse of the year” or so.

personally, i don’t like it.
like, i don’t understand why some people take it as the verse defines their life for the year? isn’t that just make us the same with japanese or chinese culture who took a fortune stick at the beginning of the year, then decides whether it’s gonna be a good year? i believe every day is a good day, and so does years. whatever is going to happen, happens for a reason. and everything would be all for God’s glory.

so the service ends, and i walked towards the exit. there, i saw a bowl with hundreds of bible verse cards. each card contains different bible verse.

i’m not like those who put their hands and mixed everything inside ltrying to hope for getting good verse before taking one card. i took one randomly, thinking “well, if it’s mine, it’s mine. i would take it no matter what. so why bother to scramble everything? just take one and go, it’s mine anyway.”

this was the verse:

“Only be strong and bery courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, ...”

“well, it doesn’t really make sense for now. but maybe somewhere as the time goes i will understand it. “ i thought.

then i saw the line below, it’s written where the verse came from:

it was taken from Joshua 1:7

i took it on the first sunday 2018, which falls on January, the 7th.

it was the same day as bee's birthday.

bee's name is Joshua.

i was stunned.

that moment, i know this year is going to be different.

fruit, food, and summer image
unicorn lollies

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